COMP 3825 Networking and Information Assurance - sp2022
Course Description
This course will introduce the principles of computer networks, including: Layers of Networking, Applications (World-Wide Web, Email, DNS), and Network Management, etc. It will also introduce the basic concepts of information assurance, including Threat Model, Basic Cryptography (Symmetric Cryptography, Public-key Cryptography, Message Authentication), Security Policies and Cyberethics. (The content and syllabus are subject to adjustment during the semester.)
Prerequisites: COMP2150 and COMP2700
Instructor Office Hours: by appointment
TA Office hours: TBD
Required Textbook
- Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 7th Edition, James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Pearson, 2017 (ISBN: 0133594149)
- Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6th Edition, James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross. Free PDF!
Grading: Your final grade will come from the following sources:
- 10% Class participation
- 20% Homework
- 20% Term Project
- 25% Mid-term Exam
- 25% Final Exam
Grading Scale: A+: 94, A: 90, A-: 87, B+: 84, B: 81, B-: 79, C+: 75, C: 72, C-: 68, D+: 64, D: 60, F: below 60
Course Policy
- Late Policy: Without prior request, no late work will be accepted. All late submission maybe accepted at a penalty of 15% per day for no more than THREE days.
- Testing Policy: The exam given is closed book/note/laptop/neighbor. But students are allowed to bring one cheat sheet (letter-sized 8.5-by-11) for quick reference. There will NOT be any makeup exams unless there is a documented emergency.
- Homework Assignment and Project Report Policy: It is recommended that students use a word processing software (e.g., Word or LaTeX) to type their homework solutions or project report, then submit well-formatted PDF files.
- Homework 1
- Homework 2
- Homework 3
- Homework 4
Term Project
- Project Description (Note: Multiple Dues in Project Description)
Course Schedule
Week 01:
- Jan 19 - Lecture 1: Introduction
Week 02:
- Jan 23 - Lecture 2: Networking Overview
- Jan 26 - Lecture 3: Network Core and Quality of Service
Week 03:
- Jan 31 - Lecture 4: Network Layering and Security Overview
- Feb 02 - Lecture 5: Network Applications - Principles, Web and Http
Week 04:
- Feb 07 - Lecture 6: Network Applications - Email and DNS
- Feb 09 - Lecture 7: Socket Programming
Week 05:
- Feb 14 - Lecture 8: Transport Layer
- Feb 16 - Lecture 9: Principles of Reliable Data Transfer
Week 06:
- Feb 21 - Lecture 10: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- Feb 23 - Lecture 11: TCP Congestion Control
Week 07:
- Feb 28 - Lecture 12: Midterm Review
- Mar 02 - Lecture 13: Midterm
Week 08:
- Spring Break
Week 09:
- Mar 14 - Lecture 14: Network Layer and IP
- Mar 16 - Lecture 15: NAT, ICMP, SNMP and IPv6
Week 10:
- Mar 21 - Lecture 16: Routing Algorithm
- Mar 23 - Lecture 17: Routing in the Internet
Week 11:
- Mar 28 - Lecture 18: Network Security Overview
- Mar 30 - Lecture 19: Symmetric Key Cryptography I
Week 12:
- Apr 04 - Lecture 20: Symmetric Key Cryptography II
- Apr 06 - Lecture 21: Public Key Cryptography
Week 13:
- Apr 11 - Lecture 22: TLS/SSL
- Apr 13 - Lecture 23: Ethics in Computer Networking and Security
Week 14:
- Apr 18 - Project Presentation
- Apr 20 - Final Review
Week 15:
- Apr 25 - Final Exam (in class exam)