COMP 3825 Networking and Information Assurance - sp2020
Course Description
This course will introduce the principles of computer networks, including: Layers of Networking, Applications (World-Wide Web, Email, DNS), and Network Management, etc. It will also introduce the basic concepts of information assurance, including Threat Model, Basic Cryptography (Symmetric Cryptography, Public-key Cryptography, Message Authentication), Security Policies and Cyberethics. (The content and syllabus are subject to adjustment during the semester.)
Prerequisites: MATH4614
Monday/Wednesday, 12:40 pm - 2:05 pm, Panhellenic Building 115
Office Hours
Instructor Office Hours: by appointment
TA Office Hours: TBA
Required Textbook
- Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 7th Edition, James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Pearson, 2017 (ISBN: 0133594149)
- Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6th Edition, James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross. Free PDF!
Grading: Your final grade will come from the following sources:
- 10% Class participation
- 25% Homework
- 20% Term Project
- 15% Mid-term Exam
- 30% Final Exam
Grading Scale: A+: 94, A: 90, A-: 87, B+: 84, B: 81, B-: 79, C+: 75, C: 72, C-: 68, D+: 64, D: 60, F: below 60
Course Policy
- Late Policy: Without prior request, no late work will be accepted. All late submission maybe accepted at a penalty of 15% per day for no more than THREE days.
- Testing Policy: The exam given is closed book/note/laptop/neighbor. But students are allowed to bring one cheat sheet (letter-sized 8.5-by-11) for quick reference. There will NOT be any makeup exams unless there is a documented emergency.
- Homework Assignment and Project Report Policy: It is recommended that students use a word processing software (e.g., Word or LaTeX) to type their homework solutions or project report, then submit well-formatted PDF files.
COVID-19 Health and Safety Policy
Masks and Social Distancing
All students, faculty and staff will wear masks in all public spaces, including our classroom (lab) per the COVID-19 policy. The first time a student enters a classroom without wearing a face covering, the student will be asked to leave the class until they return a covering. Further violations will be referred to the Office of Student Accountability. Students who repeatedly or flagrantly violate these community expectations may be referred for discipline under the Student Code and, if appropriate, immediately removed from campus by the Dean of Students.
Student Health
Students who are experiencing symptoms such as sneezing, coughing or a higher than normal temperature should inform me by email so they can be excused from class and should stay home. Students should contact their health care provider or the Student Health Center at Students who have a positive COVID-19 test should contact the Dean of Students at Accommodations
If and when we return to class, students seeking to remain remote for health or other serious reasons should discuss their options with me. Students with accessibility issues or with other learning accommodation needs due to a disability should contact Disability Resources for Students (DRS) to submit an official request for course accommodations. Contact DRS at 901.678.2880 or at ( Resources
Students who need additional resources can contact the Dean of Students Office at
- Homework 1
- Homework 2
- Homework 3
- Homework 4
Term Project
- Project Description (Note: Multiple Dues in Project Description)
Course Schedule
Week 01:
- Aug 17 - Lecture 1: Introduction
- Aug 19 - Lecture 2: Networking Overview
Week 02:
- Aug 24 - Lecture 3: Network Core and Quality of Service
- Aug 26 - Lecture 4: Network Layering and Security Overview
Week 03:
- Aug 31 - Lecture 5: Network Applications - Principles, Web and Http
- Sep 2 - Lecture 6: Network Applications - Email and DNS
Week 04:
- Sep 7 - No Lecture (Labor Day)
- Sep 9 - Lecture 7: Socket Programming
Week 05:
- Sep 14 - Lecture 8: Transport Layer
- Sep 16 - Lecture 9: Principles of Reliable Data Transfer
Week 06:
- Sep 21 - Lecture 10: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- Sep 23 - Lecture 11: TCP Congestion Control
Week 07:
- Sep 28 - Lecture 12: Midterm Review
- Sep 30 - Lecture 13: Midterm
Week 08:
- Oct 5 - Lecture 14: Network Layer and IP
- Oct 7 - Lecture 15: NAT, ICMP, SNMP and IPv6
Week 09:
- Oct 12 - Lecture 16: Routing Algorithm
- Oct 14 - Lecture 17: Routing in the Internet
Week 10:
- Oct 19 - Lecture 18: Network Security Overview
- Oct 21 - Lecture 19: Symmetric Key Cryptography I
Week 11:
- Oct 26 - Lecture 20: Symmetric Key Cryptography II
- Oct 28 - Lecture 21: Public Key Cryptography
Week 12:
- Nov 2 - Lecture 22: TLS/SSL
- Nov 4 - Lecture 23: Ethics in Computer Networking and Security
Week 13:
- Nov 9 - Project Presentation
- Nov 11 - Final Review
Week 14:
- Nov 16 - Final Exam (in class exam)